vendredi 1 septembre 2017

Watch a Teaser for "Michelin Stars" the Movie

The world of Michelin stars and the passion and personalities that help define it is to get a dedicated movie.

Michelin Stars – Tales from the Kitchen has been two years in the making and will be the opening film of the Culinary Zinema: Film and Gastronomy Section, 23 September at the 65th edition of the San Sebastián Film Festival, it’s been announced.

The film follows 15 of the world’s best chefs including Alain DucasseDaniel HummRené RedzepiAndoni AdurizYoshihiro NarisawaVictor Arguinzoniz, and Guy Savoy, as well as Michelin management, food writers and diners in an attempt to understand just why these little stars have such a huge hold on the culinary world, while also exploring the darker side of cooking at the highest level.

Watch the trailer below and check the film’s Facebook page for more.

"Michelin Stars – Tales From The Kitchen" Trailer from Bon Vivant Communications on Vimeo.

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Watch a Teaser for "Michelin Stars" the Movie

Stranded "Hero" Bakers Feed Thousands of Storm Victims

A group of Mexican bakers stranded in their Houston, Texas bakery for two days because of rising flood waters caused by Hurricane Harvey put their time to good use – by baking hundreds of loaves of pan dulce for storm victims.

The four bakers at El Bolillo Bakery realised they were going to be stranded late one Friday night as the streets became impassable, The Independent reports.  But with the power still on they decided to knuckle down and bake through the night and throughout the next day, getting through nearly two tonnes of flour before they rescued.

The pan dulce, Mexican sweet bread, was then distributed to storm victims.

The story has since gone viral, with the bakers being hailed as “heroes” on social media. Thankfully, only one suffered damage to his home as a result of the storm. 

Hurricane Harvey pan dulce we are going to take to those in need. Bakers we're stuck inside for two days! We will announce when we open our stores again.

Posted by El Bolillo Bakery on Monday, August 28, 2017

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Stranded "Hero" Bakers Feed Thousands of Storm Victims

35 Things You Should Never Do in a Restaurant

What’s your worst restaurant faux pas, the thing you really hate seeing people do in restaurants? Perhaps it’s being rude to waiting staff, bad table manners, or fussy eaters?

Fourth software, as reported by The Independent, surveyed 1500 people in the UK to find out what irks them the most in restaurants. They found that 60% of people have been put off by their dining companion’s etiquette, 10% have felt the need to apologise for their parents’ manners, and only one in five think it’s acceptable to upload photos of your food to social media.

They used the results to draw up a list of the top 35 faux pas in restaurants. We’re sure you’ll recognise many of these, with the top three being clicking your fingers at the wait staff, talking with your mouth full and being too loud.

Any missing? Let us know over on our Facebook page.


Top 35 restuarant faux pas

1. Clicking your fingers for the waiter’s attention

2. Talking with your mouth full

3. Being too loud and raucous

4. Wiping hands on the tablecloth

5. Blowing your nose in a napkin

6. Letting children come and go as they please from the table

7. Licking a knife

8. Letting children listen to videos on a phone

9. Texting at the table

10. Answering/making a phone call

11. Letting your children play with cutlery and condiments

12. Touching up make-up at the table

13. Asking for a toothpick and removing food from your teeth at the table

14. Placing your phone on the table next to you

15. Not leaving a tip

16. Blowing on hot food too loudly

17. Taking a picture of your meal

18. Not sharing a ‘sharing platter’ and eating more than your fair share

19. Asking for ketchup/mayo in a fine dining restaurant

20. Flirting with the waiter/waitress

21. Tucking your napkin in your collar

22. Holding a knife like a pencil

23. Scooping out the ice from your drink with your fingers

24. Holding a knife and fork in the wrong hands

25. Paying your exact share when splitting the bill

26. Going outside to smoke

27. Pouring white wine in a glass that was being used for red

28. Downing a drink as soon as it arrives

29. Using the wrong cutlery for the course

30. Making a signing gesture for the bill

31. Moving around chairs and tables to accommodate your party

32. Ordering a fussy meal (no chips, no dressing etc)

33. Mispronouncing the name of a dish

34. Asking for a knife and fork because you can’t use chopsticks

35. Asking if a meal is vegan, dairy free, gluten free, etc

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35 Things You Should Never Do in a Restaurant

What Vegetables Can You Spiralize? Here are 7 Great Options

What vegetables can you spiralize? It is the first question that comes up when tip toeing into spiralizing territory. The two classics are zucchini and cucumber but those are just two of the many options out there. 

You'll be surprised to know that all sorts of vegetables can be spiralized, including root veggies and cruciferous varieties. Below is an easy guide to seven vegetables that can be spiralized and turned into colorful noodles you can use in countless low-carb, Paleo, vegetarian and gluten-free recipes:


Spiraled zucchini has been around for a while. It's mild flavor makes it a great substitute for pasta and it combines nicely with meats, seafood and spice.

Learn how to make zucchini spaghetti and meatballs.


Keep the skin on cucumbers so they will look extra pretty when you pass them through the spiralizer. Remember that cucumbers will get watery when combined with salt so they should be consumed promptly.


The long slender shape of carrots makes them an ideal vegetable to spiralize. Their sweetness is a pleasant contrast to sharp flavors like ginger and scallions.


Whether you opt for traditional red, yellow or orange beets, this hearty root vegetable perks up any dish. Citrus-based vinaigrettes play off the earthiness of beets but they are also tasty paired with cheese.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potato noodles may be consumed raw and are a gorgeous addition to a salad. They are also delicious when lightly sautéed with olive oil and garlic.

Daikon Radish

image via Strength and Sunshine

The pungency of daikon radish plays off stronger flavors like soy sauce, ginger and creamy peanut sauces. A simple but tasty idea: enjoy spiralized daikon with a squeeze of lemon and a touch of Himalayan salt. 

Try this spiralized Thai salad prepared with daikon, cucumber and spices.


Liz West/Flickr

Did you know you could spiralize broccoli? It may not have been the first vegetable that popped into your head but broccoli stalks are loaded with fiber and have a pleasant crunch when raw. Save the florets and use them as a garnish for your tasty dish.

Wondering what else to do with spiralized veggies? Take a look at these awesome recipe ideas from Shape magazine:


Should you buy a vegetable spiralizer?Check out the pros and cons.

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What Vegetables Can You Spiralize? Here are 7 Great Options