Sagaya, a steak restaurant in Tokyo’s Ginza district, is home to Tsukihana, a new digital art space created in collaboration with teamLab, an interdisciplinary creative group who creates interactive installations using projection mapping and digital sensors.
Dining in a Digital Art Room
One of the dining rooms of the restaurant has been transformed into a fairytale setting where it’s possible to experience an immersive, multi-sensory dinner. Hosting just eight guests a night, TeamLab’s new installation restaurant is titled ‘Worlds unleashed and then connecting’. (Click on the images to enlarge).
As the art collective explains: “When a dish is placed on the table, the world contained within the dish is unleashed, unfolding onto the table and into the surrounding space.” Digital images and sounds surround guests during the dinner, changing at every course. This multi-sensory experience is made possible by several sensors that detect the guests’ and waiters’ movements.
An immersive dream
The ingredients for this exclusive 12-course dinner are all farm to table, and are prepared by Sagaya’s chef Tadano. The chef’s elegant cuisine is served in precious japanese ceramics, while real-time projections cover the table and the walls of the room.
The environnement of the dining room is influenced by the guests' behavior and changes constantly, reflecting Japan's changing seasons. “The world is constantly changing from moment to moment and no two moments are alike. By the beauty of Japanese seasonal flower blooming, traditional drawing technique of Japanese craftsmanship dishes settled on the table. “ say teamLab.
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