vendredi 26 août 2016

Help Survivors of the Italy Earthquake by Eating Pasta all’ Amatriciana

An Italian food blogger has launched an appeal to raise funds for those affected by the recent devastating Italy earthquake by encouraging Italian restaurants worldwide to donate €2 for every plate of pasta all’Amatricinia sold.

The dish of guanciale, tomatoes, chilli, onion and garlic is the signature dish of the central Italian town of Amatrice – ground zero for the 24 August 'quake.

Food blogger Paolo Campana, who started the campaign on his Facebook page, says that so far over 700 restaurants have signed up to help. He intends to publish a list of participating restaurants and is now looking for help with the page to push the campaign on further.

Chefs including Carlo Cracco, Antonello Colonna, Davide Oldani and Jamie Oliver have already lent their support to the campaign by adding the dish to their menus at certain restaurants.

If you’d like to donate to the appeal you can do so using the payment details in the image below and in solidarity with all those affected by this appalling natural disaster, why not try making pasta all’ Amatriciana at home tonight?

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Help Survivors of the Italy Earthquake by Eating Pasta all’ Amatriciana

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