There are lots of different types of culinary education on offer around the world, from the classic institutions to more modern facing establishments, there’s a wide range of different options for those wanting to educate themselves for a culinary career.
Gaining an education in any field is invaluable experience and the same applies to the kitchen, however, you should never forget that the kitchen is a hierarchal place and even those with a culinary education under their belt are expected to earn their place and position in the kitchen chain.
For those wanting a look at what to expect from a culinary education, Culinary Career have produced an infographic that looks at some of the labour statistics linked to being a chef.
From how many educational offerings there are to just how much a graduate can expect to make, it’s a snap shot of the industry in numbers and is a good place to look if you’re interesting in making the step into culinary education.
Culinary School Statistics and The Reality of Being a Chef
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