mercredi 14 décembre 2016

Meet the Man Who Writes Three TripAdvisor Reviews a Day

Have you ever posted a TripAdvisor review? Most people don’t, some do on the very rare occasion they are totally amazed by a great experience, some do it on the less rare occasion they are flabbergasted by a bad experience, others post for fun, some as a sport, and some, the truly dedicated ones, post as a job.

Meet Stephen Kelly from Liverpool who has posted a total of 1,917 reviews covering hotels, restaurants and attractions in 31 different cities across Europe.

In 2016 he knocked out 988 reviews, keeping his average pace of three a day - yes, three different reviews a day and it’s because of this dedication to posting that TripAdvisor have named Kelly the British Review Contributor of the Year and Restaurant Expert of the Year. 

Kelly says he likes to try between 10 - 15 bars and pubs in one day when he is travelling but the bulk of his reviews go towards restaurants. Of his nearly two thousand reviews posted, 1,517 are relating to restaurants.

It seems he’s also easily impressed, only three of his total reviews drop below his usual four and five star ratings.

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Meet the Man Who Writes Three TripAdvisor Reviews a Day

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