lundi 30 janvier 2017

10 Best Things About Being a Chef

We all know the chef life is a tough one: long hours, stress, heat, and poor pay. It’s not for everyone. But for those who fall in love with the profession, it’s a lifelong relationship.

Over on the ChefTalk forum, chefs have been sharing exactly why they love the job and we’ve selected some of the best responses below. Perhaps you have something to add? Let us know over on our Facebook page.

10 best things about being a chef

Chef Douglas

Its going home at the end of the day and hearing "You guys did an outstanding job" from the GM, watching people sit and enjoy their meal, or simply getting to be creative with the food you produce.


Maybe it's seeing the faces of customers smiling and going on about how good their meal was. Maybe it's the fact you never have to worry about going hungry. Maybe I'm just a masakist (horrible spelling) who enjoys the heat, steam, fire and injuries. All I know is I'm happy when I'm there, love what I do because it's me.

Chef from VA

It is the one place that everything feels right. I can let my creativity flow through my hands in the same way an artist does when creating a sculpture.


It is the pace that gets my juices flowing. The constant chatter of "what's on the new," the rush of heat you feel on your whole front side when you've just fired a juicy steak, the sound of fish being seared in the rocket hot pan, the beauty of the plated dish...


Stress, live on it.

Dan Brown

Food. I'm not sure how to convey the love I have for the products I receive and seeing that they're used in a manner that fits something provided for us by the Earth.


I, like most, enjoy the organized chaos that is this life.

Dan Brown

Plating. There's no sense of accomplishment that I've felt that compares to finishing a plate exactly the way you want it, all elements balanced, and you get that moment to look at it objectively, getting out of the way and letting the food do the talking.

Jenni Belle

For those four little words ... "This is sooooo good." To see the happiness and content on people faces after they've eaten. Knowing I put that smile on their face is what it's all about.

Dan Brown

Sensuality. I don't think there's anything you can do that connects you more to another person than preparing their food. It requires an immense measure of trust, and your work becomes a part of another living breathing person.

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10 Best Things About Being a Chef

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