vendredi 21 octobre 2016

6 Infographics on Chickens and Eggs

One of the most nutritious foods around, eggs are the wonderful convenient protein packed simple food suited to a spectrum of occasions and recipes, from velvety scrambled eggs to Michelin-starred egg recipes.

And of course, being a natural food, not all eggs, are created equal. Dependent on how chickens are raised and kept, and the conditions in which the eggs are produced, from factory to free range and organic, deciphering between egg varieties can get complicated.

Knowing more about chicken and eggs helps you make more informed decisions, either as the consumer, or even if you're perhaps thinking of keeping your own chicken coup and collecting your own fresh eggs for breakfast.

Here are 6 essential guides to chicken and eggs:

Whether the chicken or egg came first remains up for debate. What is true is that different breeds produce different quality eggs. This excellent guide is a great starting point if you're thinking about investing in your own chickens or which hen is responsible for your favourite type of egg.

2. Get to Know the DifferentD Eggs

Understand your eggs better with this useful guide to size, grading and colour as well as breaking out of your comfort zone and trying duck and ostrich eggs!

Learn more about egg labelling systems and that natural refers to eggs containing no additives or colouring whereas if you want eggs from chickens raised with plenty of space fed on organic diet, look for the official organic certified eggs.

Top up your egg knowledge with some fascinating facts from size to how many we consume.

5. Eggs in the Kitchen

Binding, leavening, thickening, glazing ... eggs are good for a whole host of kitchen techniques. Find out just what you can do with the egg yolk, white and a whole egg below.

6. Ways to Cook and Egg

Watch 12 delicious ways to cook an egg in this mouth-watering video that celebrates its simple beauty.

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6 Infographics on Chickens and Eggs

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