mardi 25 octobre 2016

Fruit Astrology - What Your Fruit Choice Says About You

Millions of people everyday log on to the web, grab a glossy mag or flick to the back of a newspaper to quickly read their star signs. Will they be lucky, how is love looking and will they find a bag of money today?

Astrology has been used throughout history but maybe stars are not the best way to predict what kind of person you are - maybe the best way is fruit.

Fruit astrology takes the many numbers of fruits and attaches a trait to each one. For instance, banana eaters are loving and gentle where as those who love coconuts are serious and thoughtful.

It might not be the most accurate way to predict your personality type but fruit astrology is certainly fun and, don't worry, if you don't like fruit you can always analyze your personality using eggs.


If apple is your choice, you are an extrovert enjoying the exuberance of life. You are extravagant, impulsive and outspoken and may be with a bit of a temper in your actions. Notwithstanding the dearth of great organizational acumen on your part, you may still make a good team leader and may be good at leading ahead. You are capable of taking prompt actions in most situations. Being prone to exuberant exertions, you relish trips immeasurably. Your charisma and verve in love will excite your partner indulgently. You enthusiasm for life is matchless, non-pariel.


You are a banana favourite, hence you are a softie! If you love banana very much, you are very loving, gentle, warm and sympathetic not only to your kiths and kin but to every around you. You are of sweet disposition. This may have the manifestation of you being found lacking in self-confidence and quite timid in nature. As a result, others may often take undue advantage of your sweet-temperedness, which may cause sheer vulnerability on various occasions. You will adore your partner in every way for his/her mental and physical comeliness and pulchritude. You will enjoy a harmonious relationship with your partner.

Black Grape

If you relish black grapes more than any other fruit, you are a polite and good-natured person in general, though there may be quick flare-ups occasionally which will cool down just as quickly. Endowed with abundant aesthetic sense, you enjoy beauty in all its manifestations. You are a lover of beauty in human forms. Your sociable and gregarious nature exudes warmth and it endears others to you and you are popular in any group. You are uniquely zestful and zealous in your approach to life and it challenges. Fully indulgent in the finer aspects of life, you enjoy every thing in your life and work. You enjoy your style of dressing and your way of life. It would be ideal if your partner also shares your zeal and enthusiasm for life


If cherry is your favourite fruit, life isn't always as sweet for you. You often face ups and downs, particularly professionally; and find that you make small sums of money, instead of a lump sum. You have a fertile imagination and are often involved in creative pursuits. You are a very sincere and loyal partner; but find that expressing your feelings is not very easy. Your home is your haven, and you love nothing more than being surrounded by close family and your beloved partner.


The coconut lover is a serious, very thoughtful and contemplative person. Though you enjoy socialising, you are particular about the company you keep. You tend to be stubborn but not necessarily foolhardy. Shrewd, quick-witted and alert, you ensure that you are right on top of any given scenario, especially at work. You need a partner with brains, and while passion is important it certainly isn't everything for you.

Custard Apple (Cherimoya fruit)

A lover of custard apple would be a modest and quiet person but conservative in values and approach to life. You could be sensitive at times. Thoughtful and contemplative in general disposition, you are rarely impulsive or rash in your decisions and actions. You are quite ambitious in nature and work hard to achieve your heart’s desire. You are good at anything that requires much detailing or working with numbers. You are quick at finding fault with others and that may create strained relations. You would be comfortable with a partner with brains rather than one with looks or passion. Being reserved in nature, you may not be comfortable in expressing your affection to your partner.


If your fruit of choice is mango, you are a person to be reckoned with. Endowed with the faculty to have own vision and views, you would often be found a hard nut to crack. As you are led by your own observation and analytical reasoning, influencing you would be no easy task. As you maintain your own views, at times you may tend to be an extremist with strong likes and dislikes and may even take control of a situation. At times you may be venturesome and may even seem foolhardy by getting involved in something mentally challenging. Though strong and resolute, you are like a kitten when you are with your partner.


If orange is your favourite fruit; it speaks of a person who has enduring patience and willpower. You like to do things slowly; but very thoroughly and are completely undaunted by hard work. You tend to be shy; but are a reliable and trustworthy friend. You have an aesthetic bent of mind. You select your partner with care and thought; you love with all your heart, and are not in for just a fling. You avoid conflict at all costs.


Is peach your favourite fruit? Then, like a peach, you will enjoy the juice of life. You are a friendly sort, quite frank and outspoken, which add luster to your charm. As you are good friend, you are quick to forgive and forget and value your friendships highly. You are bold and active and have independent and ambitious streaks in you that make you a real go-getter. You are a great lover, the ideal, fiery and passionate lover and are sincere and faithful in love. But you don't like to express your love in its real passion in public. You are very much pragmatic in love affairs.


You are quick to decide and even quicker to act. You are brave in making career changes; if that is what is to your advantage. You have exceptional organising abilities and are undaunted by the size of the task at hand. You tend to be self reliant, sincere and honest in your dealings with others. Though you are not given to making friends very quickly, but once you do, it is for life. You rarely, if ever, make romantic overtures. Your partner is often impressed with your sterling qualities but disappointed in your ability to show affection.


You are fearless and take much that happens in life, in your stride. You give considerable thought to things you do. You have a sense of humour that along with your generous nature keeps you in most people's good books. You are a go-getter in your professional life, and have a knack for being in the right place at the right time. You enjoy meeting new people and seeing new sights whenever you can. Your sense of humour is what attracts members of the opposite sex to you more than anything else. It is simply charming!


If you put your mind to something you can do it successfully, but by and large you tend to be fickle and have trouble completing a task with the enthusiasm you started it with. You need to know the results of your efforts almost immediately. You enjoy mental stimulation; and love to get into a good discussion. You tend to be a restless and high-strung person, and are easily excitable. While you are quick to strike up a friendship with someone, maintaining it does not seem to be easy for you.

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Fruit Astrology - What Your Fruit Choice Says About You

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