We've already seen the infrared microwavethat shows you how hot your food is, but now it's time for an even niftier thermal imaging smartphone accessory allowing you to have fun in all areas of the kitchen.
Known as FLIR ONE, we're talking about the technology that can produce an easy to read photo and the temperature of anything you choose to point it at. The dinky $249 device simply plugs into iPhones or Android devices and uses thermal imaging technology combined with a built-in digital camera.
Imagine being able to maximise your appliance use better, like knowing the coldest parts of the fridge, or the hottest parts of the oven, when the burner is still hot, or not hot enough? Not to mention running quick temperature checks on how piping hot that soup actually is or if those fries have cooled down enough.
Whilst this kit looks useful for basic temperature checks, it's not going to replace the pin point accuracy and functionality of your trusted thermometer, but it will help you locate the best place to put your steaks on the grill and probably spark a conversation around a campfire cookout while you're at it.
via Tasting Table
Check Food Temperature with Your Smartphone
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