A beautiful bouquet is a wonderful thing, but no sooner have you breathed deeply of its fresh perfume, then it’s tomorrow’s confetti. So how about an edible bouquet?
Karolina Samalė, based in Kauna, Lithuania, makes these fantastic edible bouquets from fruits, vegetables and herbs. Each takes one to two hours to construct to bespoke request and weighs around two to three kg.
Imagine how much of a talking point it would be to turn up to a wedding and see the bride clutching one of these? (Okay, so you couldn’t throw it). Or imagine your mother’s surprise when you arrive on her doorstep on Mothers Day and thrust one of these edible bouquets in her direction.
The bouquets are only available in person currently and according to Samalė, some customers have been making a 1000km round-trip to get their hands on them. Prices start at €25.
Check out a selection of the edible arrangements below.
Via Bored Panda
All images: Valgoma
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