jeudi 9 février 2017

Maca From A to Z: 26 Things to Know

Andes. Maca only grows at high altitudes: from 2000 to 4000 metres. It originates from the Andes.

Black. The flavour and properties of maca vary according to its colour, which ranges from creamy yellow, to pink, red, purple and black. The latter, whose taste has a bitter-sweet note, is considered to be the most energizing, as well as being conducive to a good night’s sleep; it also reduces pain and is particularly recommended for men.

Coffee. Owing to its energizing, restorative and reinvigorating properties, it has become trendy in some areas of Los Angeles to use it as a coffee substitute.

Dressing. One way of consuming maca in powder form is to use it as an ingredient in salad dressings. It may also be added to juices and smoothies.

Ecuador. Even though most of the production comes from Peru, this plant is also to be found in Ecuador and Bolivia.

Fertility. Maca, especially the yellow and red varieties, is adopted to stimulate fertility.

Guess. What type of maca is best for me? Identify it with the “Maca finder” , an online tool provided by a manufacturer.

Hormone. A hormone balancing root which relieves menstrual pain, among other things, and the symptoms associated with the menopause.

Inca. Maca has been consumed since the time of the Inca civilization and is still widely used as a food source – one of the few containing sugar – by the Andean people, the Quechua.

Junín. In central Peru, and especially in the Lake Junín area, it is fed to small children.

Knockout. So, you want to be a bombshell, not only beautiful but healthy inside and out? Add powdered maca to beauty creams and shampoo for splendid hair and skin!

Liquid. The cooking liquid of boiled maca is the basic ingredient of a refreshing drink for serving with vanilla and for mixing with milk or any other sweet liquid.

Mazamorra. A typical Peruvian sweet for breakfasts or snacks. It is made from a mixture of maca flour, corn starch or potato starch, to which cold water, sugar and/or vanilla is added to form a creamy consistency, before being enriched with evaporated milk.

Nightcap. Some people also use maca in alcoholic drinks, mixed with liquors or in cocktails – traditionally with whisked egg white, cloves and cinnamon.

Organic and fair. PROMACA has been set up in Peru to guarantee fair trade and increase the social value of maca products

Powder. Despite the fact that maca is now commonly consumed all over the world in powder form – ground maca root – for thousands of years it was eaten in the Andes as an ordinary vegetable.

Qiaojia. A county in the Chinese province of Yunnan, whose mountains rise as high as 4,000 metres a.s.l. and where the maca production originating from Peru was implemented a few years ago.

Red. Red maca comes from red or purple roots. Its taste vaguely recalls that of malt. It is the variety richest in amino acids, which are essential to the cell regeneration processes of our organism.

Soy. The flavour of dark maca is associated with that of roasted soy beans.

Tea. Maca tea is easy to make especially in the morning. You can prepare it by simply adding some maca to your favourite tea, and blending, or mixing it with dry maca extract. You can also melt maca jelly inside tea.  

Uncooked. Maca root may be eaten cooked – either fresh or dried - in the form of flour for making galettes and biscuits, which is mixed with the flour of other grains. However, in order to preserve its properties and nutrients intact, it is advisable to eat it raw. Why not add raw maca powder to hummus or guacamole for example?

Vanilla. Maca has a particular taste of its own, varying between bitter and piquant, which may be concealed by mixing it with vanilla extract.

Watya. In Quechua, this term refers to a traditional “oven” consisting of a pyramid-shaped heap of rocks constructed over a fire so that they become red-hot. The oven is used to prepare the traditional “pachamancas” (from “pacha”, earth, to “manka”, pot), dishes of roast meat and tuber vegetables, as well as maca roots.

Xxx. Maca is considered to be a “natural viagra” thanks to its capacity to increase libido and improve sexual performance. It works for the fair sex too: apparently maca enhances the sexual enjoyment of women. Yellow. Yellow maca is the most economical version. Apart from being used as “viagra”, it is good for the mood if consumed regularly. It has a sharp taste.

Zinc. Of the various minerals contained in maca, zinc is the most important. It is recommended for male sexual disorders since it reduces prostate hypertrophy and inhibits the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone in DHT, a very strong androgen.

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Maca From A to Z: 26 Things to Know

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