vendredi 4 novembre 2016

5 Food Factors: What If Trump Wins the Election?

In what has been a swirl of madness, dizzy debates and shocking leaks, the 2017 US election is almost at a close. With that in mind we’ve decided to take a look where both candidates stand in terms of five key food areas.

Up now is Donald Trump – a man, it should be noted, who says he prefers to eat his steaks well done. Click here to see what happens if Hillary Clinton wins the election

1 - Food Security

The Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, commonly known as SNAP, is the name given to food stamps in the US. The Republican Party Platform, which was approved at the RNC, calls for breaking the SNAP program away from the USDA and the Farm Bill – this means that SNAP’s budget would no longer be debated in court and, as Politifact reports, would make the program more vulnerable to budget cuts. This program provides assistance to aver 40 million low income families in the US.

2 - Climate Change

Scientists unanimously agree that man made climate change is personally contributing to a rise in temperature on our planet. Many world leaders, and Hillary Clinton, believe it should be the number one priority for any government to address, Trump, however, believes that climate change is part of a global conspiracy created by the Chinese. Perhaps more worryingly, Trump also claims that he will cancel the Paris Climate Agreement – a 195 country-strong pledge to slow global warming.

3 - Food Protection

Trump has put forward radical plans to scrap the Environmental Protection Agency – an organisation responsible for putting forward things like the Clean Air Act. The Republican candidate believes the agency is a waste of money and plans to scrap the over arching national organisation in favour of handing power back to single States. Trump has also proposed eliminating the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – who he called the ‘food police.’

4 - GMO

Trump is a supporter of GMO, but opposes the mandatory labelling of genetically modified foods. As John Robbins, president of The Food Revolution Network, points out in the video below, Trump’s appointment of Pat Roberts, a vocal fighter of mandatory GMO labelling, in his agriculture advisory committee shows where the Republican hopeful stands in terms of GMOs going forward.

5 - Minimum Wage

The minimum wage debate is one that has a direct impact on restaurant owners and workers. Both Trump and Clinton have said they believe the minimum wage should be raised, but while Clinton proposes a $12 federal minimum against the wish of many for at least $15, Trump has said the amount should be “at least $10.”

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5 Food Factors: What If Trump Wins the Election?

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