samedi 11 mars 2017

The Week in Bites 12 March 2017

Extreme Vineyards 

This week at Fine Dining Lovers we kicked things off with an exciting tour of vineyards. But not just any vineyards - extreme ones in exotic locations.

We stumbled upon vineyards located on volcanos, near the beach and even on a cliffside. The locations included Tahiti, Switzerland and Argentina.

Discover these extreme vineyards.

Are Chefs Artists?

Also this week we caught up with Ferran Adrià of elBulli restaurant fame. We wondered: are chefs artists? The chef had a lot to say on this matter.

Read our exclusive Q&A with this world-renown chef.

In the blog

This week in the blog we brought you fun twists on classic deviled eggs for Easter, a guide to chef knives and incredible tips on how to dine for half price at Per Se restaurant.

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The Week in Bites 12 March 2017

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