We recently published a piece by Chef Paul Sorgule on the 18 things that drive chefs crazy, including undependable vendors, inconsistency, and of course, punctuality. We asked you if you had any to add over on our Facebook page, and as usual you didn’t disappoint. Here are some of our favourite responses from our readers:
Things that drive chefs crazy
Kurt Berman
Leaving pan handles over the gas flame.
Chew Min Xiong Wittawat
Staff no show after taking salary.
Angel Brown
Cooks walking off the line to go smoke when it's rush time.
Mike Leitmeyer
Customers who use the menu as an ingredient list make me homicidal in an instant. We work very hard to design the menus and each item, and should not have to dismantle that at your whim! Also, people that lie about allergies. Just get out!
Brendon Acland
Bloody food trends!
Joshua Mayne
1. Customers
2. The Staff
3. The Boss
4. The Hours
5. The Pay
I think that just about covers it.
Wayne Quintos
Modifications should be on the top of the list.
Israel C Santoni
Smoking and cellphones ... taking too many breaks ... texting or checking social media and chatting with friends.
Cody Duvall
Opening cans with knives!
Al Karalius
Cell phones out on the line ... After three times telling the line cook to stow his phone I finally took it from him and pitched it into a simmering pot of veal stock.
Simon Harris
When the chef de partie says "I thought you wanted..."
Corey Cunningham
Throwing food.
12 Chefs Share the Things That Drive Them Crazy
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